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正在改變世界的自由能源基金會 --Keshe基金會關於3-4千瓦發電機的聲明 [複製鏈接]

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21# yogashieh


溪聲盡是廣長舌 山色無非清淨身

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發表於 2014-1-11 10:44:50 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

Secondly public need to have the know-how in how to handle the collected contaminated materials.

We are here to help, and not to create a bigger problem.

We have been asked and we will keep this move very close to us until we solve the matter.

As I have said in my communications in the past week, now we are free from the power generator unit development and now we enter to solve this subject with full force and will not stop until is done.

As what has alarmed me, is that in the last week the authorities have mentioned in their press conference in Tokyo that they are considering in diluting waters held in giant tanks in the station and they are talking of then dumping this diluted water in the high seas.

We are not from the back of the mountain ignorant people, as TEPCO think.

This is not sugar to dilute and becomes less tasty and sweet to swallow.

This is tritium-contaminated water you are talking about, and tritium contamination will be on every man plate around the world in less than 12 month, if this move is carried out.

This move by TEPCO is lethal and inconsiderate and they have already through backdoors released large quantities of the contaminated water into the ocean anyway.

This shows that TEPCO think everyone is ignorant, as they have got away with their play for the last two years and have been playing with every mans life on this planet.

We are not opposing the cleanup, but we are setting the scene for reduction in contamination and reduction in volume of contaminated matters through the right channels and methods for their retraction from the ground and water and their safe storage.

Members of the Foundation and our readers, Please put as much work as you can on TEPCO, this is where the problem has to be solved.
基金會的成員們以及我們的讀者們,請盡你們最大的能力去做東京電力公司的工作,這個問題必須從那裡得到解決 。

TEPCO needs to know that there are correct solutions available to them and as world citizens, it is our jobs to protect the next generation and ourselves.

TEPCO has had problem with me and with the Foundation, as I am an Iranian nuclear physicist and the Japanese government has banned them to enter in any negotiation with us.

I offered the technology for the decontamination to the Japanese government, when I handed the USB stick to the embassy personally last year.

They did not refuse the USB and they never returned it back to us either.

So, if the patents and the information on the USB were good, then so is the decontamination process we offer should be good too.

If we do not see positive move, within days, as has been requested by our Japanese friends, we will release full process step by step on video to the public that they can start to decontaminate their lands and homes.

Do not forget that there are children whom are getting affected by cesium through playground in Japan too, and this is much worse than anyone could imagine and it is not getting reported.

We are here to serve humanity, we have asked for no financial rewards or payment from TEPCO or Japanese government, our technology is free for you to use, but if the move is not made by the White House and TEPCO, then I will teach Japanese in the coming days line by line, minute by minute live on the YouTube how to handle the whole situation, from making the material they need up to how to protect themselves and how to dispose of the contaminated materials.

I am sure then the world scientists will join us too to give their advice too to finish this job as a team.

Enough is enough, for foot pedaling for TEPCO.

We need to organize the same force as for peace treaty and help the situation, 2 years has been long enough to wait and go from one disaster to another with TEPCO.

I understand that they are under pressure to solve this problem, but now it is time to open the door for world scientists to come in and help.

Protectionism is killing all of us.

My message to TEPCO and Japanese government is simple, please learn from our Russian friends and Chernobyl, they asked for the others outside their borders for help and help was given and we all are living in a fairly moderate condition with that disaster as a humanity as we all helped and we did what we could at that time or at least we thought we did and could do.

Please open the doors and let us help or we will let the people to help themselves and you will follow the people.

Moreover, this is not how to govern, as it is not Japan, but the whole of human race, which this situation is putting and has put under threat.
況且,這不是如何去執政的問題,因為這個狀況正在和已經給整個人類帶來了威脅,而不僅僅是日本 。

We are not a pressure group, but scientific group, which we let our voice to be heard through our technology.

NHK Japanese television from their e-mail sounds to support us, once we start teaching and they will report.

We are waiting for the response from the world leader, if he can come in to give a helping hand.

IAEA will be involved soon and it has no choice but getting involved as they should have done something long ago and they were to busy with Iran situation and they have taken their eyes of the ball of the Fukushima.

TEPCO needs to listen to world scientists.

What I do not understand is that how can Japan』s Emperor and Prim-minster be living in the country, which its air and food is giving them and their family cause for cancer and they are not asking for their government to do something about it.

TEPCO does not have the expertise, others do, and now we are coming in as world scientists to make the change if they like it or not.

The tsunami destroyed the Fukushima PowerStation, but the PowerStation tsunami contamination is destroy the rest of the humanity.

原文:http://forum.keshefoundation.org ... -plant-in-fukushima



感謝 「珍珠沙粒」的分享和愛
感謝一切~歡迎轉載~ NAMASTE

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發表於 2014-1-11 10:48:56 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
Announcement by the Keshe Foundation in respect to the 3_4 Kw power generators.

Following the development and testing of new materials for space reactor technology for production of plasma in a non-nuclear reactor in the past months, the Keshe Foundation has achieved successful testing in creating and maintaining plasma in these new generation of reactors that we are satisfied to precede with the production of the power generators using the new phenomena.

As the result of this success, the development and preproduction of commercial energy units in conjunction with the keshe Foundation Italy team has started.

The full production phase will follow in the first weeks of 2014.

The Foundation informs the less than one hundred people around the world who have reserved these power units; the delivery of their systems will be fulfilled as systems are produced in February -March 2014.

We thank you for your patient and trust in the work of the Foundation.

Attaining the national certificate for entry and use of these systems will be up on each individual purchaser.

For European users, they can choose to wait for the delivery up on the Foundation submitting and receiving EU certification or they can arrange for the certification by themselves.

Now that the energy unit tests are completed, The Keshe Foundation will start negotiation with governments around the world for the use and implication of the space Magravs systems for motion in early 2014.

This section of the technology will be released first to governments for them to be able to put effective regulations in place for their further use for transportation and cross borders control.

The reason for this move by the Foundation is that the flight systems can involve national securities and we make sure that no nation is left out or can be affected negatively through this development.

We would like to thank members of the Keshe Foundation Italian team, whom have supported us in finishing the last stages of this reactor devlopment.

At the same time, they have become the developers and the producers, and they will carry out the commercialization of power generators in Italy for the Italian nation.

M T Keshe
M T 凱史

The director of the Keshe Foundation

Dec 19,2013







MT 凱史



感謝一切~歡迎轉載~ NAMASTE

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發表於 2014-1-11 11:57:11 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
2014年1月11日 11:46
Opening of the Spaceship Institute

Nov 1, 2013

The start of the world teaching program of the Keshe Foundations and setting up of the “Spaceship Institute” in Italy was unveiled and announced in the press conference organized by the Keshe Foundation in Brescia, Italy on 31.10.2013.
‘太空中心\學院’ 在意大利的設立已經被揭幕而且宣佈在記者會上了. ~~日期是20131031日在意大利Brescia之Keshe基金會.

In this press conference, Dr. Aristide Pele (Councilor Education and University of Brescia Province), Mr. Fabio Maroni (former Member of Parliament and member of the Constitutional Affairs Committee) and Mr. M T Keshe the Founder of the Keshe Foundation announced the opening of this institute in early 2014.
在這記者會上, Dr. Aristide Pele(Brescia大學校長), Mr. Fabio Maroni(前國會議員以及議會憲法討論小組成員), 以及Mr. M T Keshe(Keshe基金會創辦人) ~~一起宣佈了

Following the discussion in the last session of the Italian parliament about the work of the keshe Foundation and transfer of its spaceship technology to Italy, this announcement completes the move of the Founder and its Foundation to Italy early this year.
繼意大利國會關於Keshe基金會的工作的討論, 以及他們對意大利的太空科技技術轉移 ~~這個宣佈完成了 Keshe基金會以及創辦人對意大利的用意\意願 ~~在今年稍早開始的工作行程.

By the opening of this institute, Italy after Iran becomes the third nation, which has entered the spaceship technology developed by Iranian nuclear Eng. M T Keshe.
The Spaceship Institute (SSI) was said in this press conference will be ready to accept 250 scientists from around the world.
透過開放這個‘太空中心\學院’, 意大利繼伊朗之後成為第三個國家 ~~是承接了由伊朗核子工程師M T Keshe所發展出來的太空科技.在這記者會上, 意大利太空中心(SSI)將會接受來自全球250個科學家進入.

The methods of teaching and whom can be qualified for the first years to be the knowledge seeker in this institute was laid out through power point presentation by the founder of the Foundation.
教學的方法, 以及誰能夠合格進入這個‘太空中心\學院’早期幾年的知識搜尋~~都透過power point在銀幕上說明清楚 ~~由Keshe基金會創辦人自己說明.

The establishment of this institute is the final steps in bringing the world scientists around the same table to develop new systems and after two years to be able to produce the full working craft for excursion into space by an international team of scientists.
這個‘太空中心\學院’的成立是最後幾個步驟來結合全世界的科學家在同一張桌子上來發展新的系統,而且在兩年後, 將能夠生產完全可以運作的飛船做太空探索旅行 ~~透過這個國際聯合的科學家團隊.

In this meeting the ALS volunteer Mr. Bassan, whom his video was released last week by the Foundation was present too, and the press present for the meeting interviewed him as they wished.
在這記者會上, ALS(?)志願者Mr. Bassan, 他的影片上禮拜就被基金會公開了, 也在現場, 而記者們可以隨心所欲的採訪他.

By establishing the “Spaceship Institute,” the working of the first world scientific elite university is set in motion.
透過成立這個‘太空中心\學院’ ---

The Keshe Foundation in the press conference invited the world scientists to gather in Italy to work as united team in bringing the new technology to all nations in one move.

在這記者會上, Keshe基金會邀請全世界的科學家來集合在意大利來以團隊方式聯合合作 ~~把這新的科技帶給全世界的所有國家 ~~在一次的合作中!

With uniting the scientific world, in sharing advance Magravs technology and the gained knowledge rapidly through out the world by the procedures setout in the press conference, the Foundation is making the path ready for the world peace by equality in science and wealth across the world.
透過聯合世界的科學業界, 一起分享這 “磁重力Magravs科技, 以及隨後在全世界做出的研究發展 ~~透過在記者會上解釋的程序,

The Founder of the Keshe Foundation officially invites genius scientists in plasma and space technology from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the most amazing Scientists from space agency of United State of America, the most intuitive scientists from the People’s Republic of China, and the most advance space technologist in space science of Russian Federation, the most amazing Italian scientists, the most talented scientists from the state Israel and other valued scientists from other nations of the world to join us in the first semester of this international “Spaceship Institute” in March 2014.
Keshe基金會的創始人正式邀請在電漿和太空科技上, 非常天才的科學家們來自伊朗伊斯蘭共和國,以及美國國家美國最令人驚嘆的科學家,從中國的人民共和國的太空機構最有直覺力的科學家,以及最先進的俄羅斯聯邦,最神奇的意大利科學家在太空科學,太空技術專家從以色列和其他國家, 全世界最有價值的科學家, 從世界其他國家最有才華的科學家們 ~~~加入我們這個國際“太空飛船研究所的第一學期”在2014年3月。

The Keshe Foundation in the coming days will send official invitations to nations for them to appoint at least 10 scientists from different discipline to this institute.
Keshe基金會在未來幾天內將發送正式邀請給所有國家 ~~讓他們的國家去委任至少10個來自不同學科的科學家到這個研究所來。

We expect cordial response from the government and scientific groups of Iran, United state of America, and Israel; it is time to ignore our human difference and join in uniting this planet for peaceful journeys of our children into space as united family.
我們期望所有國家和科學界的親切響應此號召 ~~伊朗,美利堅合眾國的國家,以色列~~~現在是時候去拋開我們的人類的差異,並加入團結在這個星球上的和平之旅上 ~~~為了我們的孩子,作為團結的家庭一起進入太空。

In space, there are no territories and flags except the flag of unity of the mankind in the deep spans of universe.
在太空中並沒有區域與旗帙, 除了人類團結的旗幟之外 ~~在巨大宇宙的深處.

We have our space reactor ready and on standby for your scientists to test, develop, and share their knowledge with the rest of the mankind in the coming months.
我們已經有太空反應器做好了 ~~等著讓你們的科學家來測試, 發展, 並且分享他們的知識 ~~與全世界的人類 ~~在未來數個月之內.

It is time that the nations of the world to put aside these pittance difference and work as one peaceful united nation and race for the betterment of the humanity.
現在是時候 ~~全世界的國家們 ~~放下他們彼此微小的差異~~以一個和平聯合的國家以及種族來一起工作~~~為了人類更好的未來!

Our invitations to each nation will be released, as with our peace treaty on the forum of the Foundation as before and it is the responsibility of each citizen to prepare their nations for participating in this institute.
我們對每一個國家的邀請即將會送出, 就如同我們上次的基金會論壇上的 ‘和平協定’ 內容一樣 ~~這是每一個公民的職責來準備好

The Keshe Foundation
http://2012thebigpicture.wordpre ... announced-for-2014/


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因為 產生能源基乎不耗能  (分母是0)
所以一開始只要很少的本錢 , 做一台機器, 就可以聚寶盆一樣,源源不停的生錢.
n / 0  ( n 除以 0 ) 是無限大, 另一種說法是 無義意.

這是無本會大賺錢的生意,  但是為什麼還要叫您拿錢出來?

如果是真的 , 那些生意人對錢的嗅覺比狗還敏銳, 早就拿錢去投資了, 輪不到您...


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發表於 2014-1-12 18:52:38 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
nenghsin 發表於 2013-3-27 01:54


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leon2162 發表於 2013-3-27 09:33
本文章最後由 leon2162 於 2013-3-27 10:17 編輯

"德黑蘭到紐約的旅行時間至多不會超過10分鐘"? 真有那麼 ...


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發表於 2014-1-12 20:29:53 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
27681049 發表於 2013-3-27 10:45
東西呢 ? 在哪 ?


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