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最新的YouTube影片下載方法 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2013-10-30 23:36:28 |顯示全部樓層
看了一下, 比較吸引我的是他的補充--

■ 如果你只想用個小程式就可以下載影片,那「用Youtube Downloader HD下載YouTube影片(2013年7月16日更新)」這篇可能更適合你,(只是你得用複製/貼上的方式抓影片)。

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2013-10-31 00:27:13 |顯示全部樓層
黑面 發表於 2013-10-30 23:36
看了一下, 比較吸引我的是他的補充--


Youtube Downloader HD2.9.8 (可攜版)

就可以了。把抓回來的可攜版檔案包放在你喜歡的位置(像是:「桌面」),解開後就可以使用了,非常非常單純(這也是我推薦使用這套軟體的原因)。而且,某些其他的軟體雖然功能更多(像是VDownloader),但是他們會幫你的電腦、瀏覽器裝上一些外掛(即使你並不想如此),但是Youtube Downloader HD不會額外裝任何東西,也不需要額外裝其他的任何輔助程式(像是Java啥的),都不用,讚!!!

真的好讚. 馬上下載試用了幾個, 本來還想要怎麼決定影片的解析度格式, 後來發現, 選擇最高解析度就對了, 系統發現解析度不對就會問你要不要降一個解析度, 一直降下去, 總會選到最合適的解析度..



使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2013-10-31 12:10:19 |顯示全部樓層

它最大的優點是, 會自動搜尋字幕, 體積又小....

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2013-11-5 16:33:46 |顯示全部樓層
河嫂 發表於 2013-11-1 14:32


謝謝站大的介紹, 使用這個方法下載的影片格式是 .mp4 , 可是, 我的電視無法直接接上USB播放影片, 想說買一個播放器來接電視看, 請問站內高人, 買有註明Mpeg4的播放器就可以播 .mp4 的影片嗎?


Key difference: MPEG-4 is a method of defining compression of audio and visual digital data. MPEG-4 can be used for compression of AV data for web, as used for streaming media, for CD distribution, as well as for voice broadcast television applications. The MP4 is a container format. This means that it can be used to store audio and/or video data.

It might seem like MP4 is a shortened form of MPEG-4, however that is not the case. They are two different forms used for different things.

MPEG-4 is a method of defining compression of audio and visual digital data. It was introduced in late 1998 by the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). MPEG-4 was designated as a standard for a group of audio and video coding formats and related technology. MPEG-4 can be used for compression of AV data for web, as used for streaming media, for CD distribution, as well as for voice broadcast television applications.

MP4, on the other hand, is based on Apple’s MOV file type. MPEG-4 Part 12 was developed from the Apple’s MOV file and eventually resulted in MPEG-4 Part 14, which is the MP4 format. The MP4 is a container format. This means that it can be used to store audio and/or video data. MP4 video and audio can also be streamed over the internet.

MPEG-4 is a video encoding algorithm. It is responsible for how the images are compressed and converted into data. MP4 is actually a container format. And as such, it does not have a standard method of coding the audio or video information. Instead it uses codecs that dictate how the audio or video will be coded. Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) is the most popular codec for compressing audio in MP4 format.

MPEG-4 is a compression format that is used to compress audio and visual digital data on a computer. Comparatively, MP4 is a container format used to store audio and video files. It can even store subtitles for a video file. As a container, MP4 can save audio and video files that have been compressed in different fashions, including as MPEG-4. MP4 is not concerned by how the images are compressed and converted into data. It is just concerned with is how the data for video and audio are stored within the file as well as other relevant information like subtitles, chapters, etc.


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2013-11-5 19:38:44 |顯示全部樓層
有註明Mpeg4的播放器就可以播 .mp4 的影片嗎? 不見得...

錯誤的例子---http://blog.xuite.net/h0120520/h ... D%E6%94%BE%E5%99%A8

使用道具 舉報



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