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那些會員對有機農業生產及養生有興趣的? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 2007-9-10 11:34:51 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB



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發表於 2007-9-14 12:41:41 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

Re: 有機志工培訓班

post by ""bx2ah""


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2007-9-30 22:15:14 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

Re: 有機志工培訓班

post by ""job""


費用的部份見仁見智, 更重要的應該是實際的收穫吧. 上四個週末的課, 含4晚的住宿及上課期間的用餐, 請的師資也還不錯, 又可以認識全省的有機農耕同好, $6000應該還好吧! (對不起, 我2005年上過, 覺得獲益良多! 所以替他們廣告一下 )

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2007-12-4 20:02:02 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

國際有機運動聯盟(IFOAM)的來函台灣要變成Chinese Taipei&#8

真是感到十分的不爽和悲哀 :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :cry:  :cry:

4th December 2007


  Dear Heather Lin,

I hope you are doing fine.

Today I would like to inform you about a decision the IFOAM World Board took at its last meeting in Sweden, due to the request of organizations from PR China, which have been in the process of applying for IFOAM membership or bidding to host the IFOAM Organic World Congress in 2011.

IFOAM, as an international Non-Governmental Organization, is not interested to get involved in political discussions about the status of Taiwan. IFOAM is also not the organization to solve any conflict in this arena. Therefore the World Board decided to list affiliates from Taiwan in the IFOAM membership Directory and on the IFOAM website in future under the term: Chinese Taipei.

Please let me know your opinion about this decision and whether it might cause any inconvenience on your side. I am also interested to hear alternatives or other solutions from your side, if your feel there are any.

Please accept my best wishes from the IFOAM Head Office.

Organically yours,

Thomas Cierpka




IFOAM Head Office Contact
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53113 Bonn, Germany
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© 2007 IFOAM - All rights reserved.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2007-12-7 20:18:27 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

國際有機運動聯盟(IFOAM)的來函台灣要變成Chinese Taipei&#8

Dear Thomas Cierpka,

It's glad to receive your email,

Thanks God, for there are still have an international Non-Governmental Organization in the world, we not only respect you but also feel and stand with you totally "not interested to get involved in political discussions about the status of Taiwan.", and special in "IFOAM is also not the organization to solve any conflict in this arena.", if really so, IFOAM or others do not have any right or power to decides our apply name, unless..., unless the name maybe confuse we with other.

But if, to change our name can help the world peoples improve in any aspect to the organic, we will weighty to consider, if not so, just only for political benefit, may we learn what is your fundamental spirit?

We truely like to help the world's peoples as we can, and hope peoples can try to respect our not much of self-respect still.

Please try to think about what different between made in Taiwan and made in China?

We firmly believe that IFOAM still effort to the clean, pure, health, harmonious and sustainable of organically world.

We will learn from you and follow your steps always.

Organically yours,

Walter Chieng

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發表於 2007-12-7 21:44:12 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

謝謝Walter, 我的回函:

From: Heather Lin
Subject: Status of Taiwan - IFOAM's position
To: Thomas CIERPKA
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007

Dear Thomas,

I thank you for your email about the concerns that some members could
arise about Taiwan Organic associations in the IFOAM, such a behaviour
being a surprise for me in such a free independant organization as IFOAM.

I totally agree with you that IFOAM is an independant organization which
has nothing to do with political matters of any kind., but has to do
with organic agriculture in the world, as its sole purpose.

From this point of view that I share, *I do not see any reason for
according any place to political claims from any affiliated
organization, this violatong IFOAM rules.
*Accepting such political behaviour would mean that IFOAM would be
involved in political matters which have nothing to do in it. *

Such a position would be also a hard blow to IFOAM political neutrality
and independance as well *as a threat for its own principles that must
be the same for all its members, without any discrimination of any kind,
racial, ethnic, religious or national.*

*Applying its own rules, IFOAM Board would be in its good right to say
clearly to any association that could arise political views or matters
that such a behaviour cannot be accepted in IFOAM, following the clear
rules of IFOAM*.

If such a common rule would be broken, all political threats or
pressions of any kind would be encouraged against the IFOAM essential
interests and purposes.

As independant organization that IFOAM is for all its members, I do not
see why some organic organization would be treated in a different way
than any other affiliated organization, in a way that could clearly be
seen as a discrimination between members about their equal rights.

All IFOAM members, according to IFOAM rules, have the same rights and
the same duties.* All of them must respect the common rules as they pay
their membership fees in an equal way with all other members.*

From my point of view, any demand or wish from any organic association
against other members' rights cannot be allowed and tolerated by IFOAM
Board, in appliance of its rules.

Any discrimination against a member's right could endanger the whole
IFOAM and would constitute a dangerous move for the common values that
all members must share. We all are for promoting organic agriculture,
and nobody wants to hear about political pressions on IFOAM Board.

Fot these reasons, and from my point of view, which strictly follows
the rules of IFOAM you recall about not letting political matters
interfer in it, it would damage IFOAM essential rules and equal rights
to membership if the Organic associations from Taiwan could not be seen
as what they are and consider themselves to be. It seems to me that the
free right to membership would be clearly destroyed if any association
could not appear as representative of its own country, following its own
choice on this matter.

As free organization following the rules of democracy and respect of its
members wishes in appliance with IFOAM rules, from my point of view, the
members from Taiwan have the same rights than other members, no more, no

In such conditions, I demand the normal and regular appliance of IFOAM
rules for the members which want to be included under the name "Taiwan",
such a decision being theirs and not depending on any other's will.

Understanding the pressions that your email makes clear about the IFOAM
Congress to be hold in 2011, if any associaton wishes using this tool of
pression on IFOAM Board, I friendly suggest to the Board to be clear and
strict on the appliances of IFOAM rules, and if these pressions go
ahead, to remind to these associations they cannot bring political
matters into the IFOAM.

As a move to help the Board in this situation and to avoid useless
concerns, I friendly suggest to the Board that 2011 Congress, if some
pressions occure against IFOAM Board about its regular activities and
free decisions following its own rules, be held in Taiwan.

In such a case, Taiwanese organic associations would pay all expenses
that IFOAM would require for such an event , and will invite all members
of IFOAM to see here the progress of organic agriculture in Taiwan with
their own eyes.

It could be a great help for IFOAM finances and a concrete defense of
its deep values that your email recall.

I remain at your disposal for promoting all together IFOAM values and
going on working for and only for organic agriculture.

With my best regards,

Heather LIN

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2007-12-7 23:06:45 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

太好 太太好了!!!

收到您的信的人, 頭皮一定不是繞樑而是發麻三年不已!



今年我開始嚐試接觸"有機", 但是感慨國內對於"有機"普遍不甚了解甚至胡解一通, 其中更不乏高官學者之流, 真令人心痛不已, 所以才下決心找一塊地, 不自量力自己來實驗, 證明,我所認為的"有機".

"道可道非常道",的自然生態法, (自然界運作的規律如果可以左右或以目前人類的無知來定義,就不是 "sustainable" 即"常道" 即"organic" 的原義"original").

懇求, 希望 您能多發表相關的資訊讓我及更多的人參與,學習,進步,並能再在世界上共同建立台灣的第二個讓世人刮目相看,尊敬感動的經濟奇蹟"有機產業"

我以為只能我自己默默努力一步一腳印戰到最後一口氣, 現在知道有人在不同領域跟我一樣用心努力盡一己之能的奮戰著.


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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2007-12-9 22:24:48 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

Re: 太好 太太好了!!!

ops:  ops: 是我老公捉刀的啦 (要是偶自己寫當然會寫得更好,只是偶懶 :wink: )
他看我氣得七竅生煙, :evil:  :evil:  :evil: 就自動幫偶寫回函了
所以寫得落落長主要爭的只有一個最基本的 [平等對待] 而已
:  :

post by ""walter""
收到您的信的人, 頭皮一定不是繞樑而是發麻三年不已!



今年我開始嚐試接觸"有機", 但是感慨國內對於"有機"普遍不甚了解甚至胡解一通, 其中更不乏高官學者之流, 真令人心痛不已, 所以才下決心找一塊地, 不自量力自己來實驗, 證明,我所認為的"有機".

"道可道非常道",的自然生態法, (自然界運作的規律如果可以左右或以目前人類的無知來定義,就不是 "sustainable" 即"常道" 即"organic" 的原義"original").

懇求, 希望 您能多發表相關的資訊讓我及更多的人參與,學習,進步,並能再在世界上共同建立台灣的第二個讓世人刮目相看,尊敬感動的經濟奇蹟"有機產業"

我以為只能我自己默默努力一步一腳印戰到最後一口氣, 現在知道有人在不同領域跟我一樣用心努力盡一己之能的奮戰著.


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Rank: 2

發表於 2007-12-10 12:29:23 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

Re: 太好 太太好了!!!

post by ""Heather""
ops:  ops: 是我老公捉刀的啦 (要是偶自己寫當然會寫得更好,只是偶懶 :wink: )
他看我氣得七竅生煙, :evil:  :evil:  :evil: 就自動幫偶寫回函了
所以寫得落落長主要爭的只有一個最基本的 [平等對待] 而已
:  :

難怪覺得不同於台灣人的思考邏輯, 本來想 您可能是從小久居國外吧!(律師事務所上班的), 不像是美國人但又不全然像非英語系的歐洲人(文法有時怪怪的尤其是動詞的位置), 也不像英國人(句首很少用片語), 是有點像台灣人, 但臺灣人不會如此苦口婆心也缺少了華人文化上類比情感傳遞的特性, 以論說文來說, 真是相當不錯有修養又有力道難得的佳作.

但是當紅燈轉綠燈第二輛車以後, 超過八秒沒動的話, 就一堆喇叭聲了, 且對方來信短短數語不重邏輯看來, 似乎沒什麼耐心, 但是還感覺到以禮相待自覺有點理虧的樣子, 所以猜測不是sales也不是政客, 如果我的是第一封信(投石問路), 老公的是第二封信(曉之以義理), 最後是 您; 高手高高手的第三封信(義無反顧捍衛人類淨土堅定支持我們以台灣的名義, 同時贏得更多人的尊敬!), 想必萬事如意一切OK!

星星之火焉敢與皓月相論? "提拔"? 一介莽夫何德何能,斷斷是不敢, 雖手無寸鐵, 力不能縛雞, 倘若有幸能盡個人綿薄之力, 請不吝差遣, 必知無不言全力以赴!(如是上市前入股, 必優待2home家族但, 請先盡速填妥入股申請書)

個人在"有機"領域上的無奈, 激勵我雖千萬人吾獨往矣, 願戰到油盡燈枯末了還希望這副臭皮蘘能提供予大地一丁點養分, 馨香禱祝也只祈求老天不要讓我, 壯志未酬身先死,

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2007-12-13 08:18:33 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
Walter兄, 您好
請問您在種有機茶嗎, 那個山頭呢
小弟很有興趣了解及品嚐有機茶, ,不知是否方便簡介一下

最近幾季都買福得茶圃的高山茶, 價格不便宜, 每斤約四千元
不過我了解有機栽培真的不易, 品質也算物有所值

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